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Request for intervention

The goals of the CRAIG are, on an interdisciplinary basis to promote a better understanding, analysis and debates on public policies; to promote exchanges on public policy between political, administrative, economic, social, cultural, religious and philosophical leaders and with researchers active in universities or in other settings; to contribute to the continuing education of these persons; to facilitate and to promote access and dissemination of information (electronic or paper) on public policy, to specialized audiences and to all citizens; to help political, administrative, economic, social, cultural, religious and philosophical leaders in the development, implementation, analysis and evaluation of public policy.

In complement of its own activities (website, social networks, answers to medias, other own activities), the CRAIG also respond to requests made by other institutions.

Trainings, lectures, workshops, conferences

At your request, CRAIG can for instance :

  • deliver a lecture;
  • take part in a training session;
  • organise a training, a workshop or a conference (selection of speakers, materials,...) including, if necessary, at a practical level (facilities, equipment, catering,...).

Examples of interventions :

  • For various public and private organisations, the CRAIG has provided training sessions ont the European Systems of accounts ESA 1995 and ESA 2010 and the consequences of their implementation on some public institutions (public firms, local government,...).
  • For various religious or philosophical communities, our department ORACLE has provided training sessions on issues relating to the management of religious institutions (such as church fabrics and their equivalents), on relations between these communities and government, on the status and public financing of Islam in Belgium.

Development of teaching materials or publications

At your request, CRAIG can for instance :

  • rédiger un support pédagogique ;
  • réaliser un document de vulgarisation.

In both cases, we can search for adequate sources or the ones provided by you.

Examples of interventions :

  • For a Belgian authority, the CRAIG has produced a vulgarisation paper on cultural policies.
  • The CRAIG has developed pedagogical materials or vulgarisation documents on various public policies as well as on most of the topics tackled during our training our conferences.

Assistance to political, administrative, economic, social, cultural, religous or philosophical actors

At your request, CRAIG can for instance :

  • study the impact of a public policy on public finances;
  • analyze the consequences of legal, administrative or political changes on an institution, a sector or apolicy;
  • analyse the possible evolutions of a sector or a public policy.

Examples of interventions :

  • The ORACLE , a CRAIG department, has been part of the experts' committee tasked by the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to clarify the current relations between Churches and State in this country and to propose possible developments.
  • The CRAIG has carried for the Walloon Government and Administration a study on the implementation of the ESA 2010 on local goverment.

Some references

Association Internationale des Maires Francophones (AIMF), Centre d’Action Interculturel de la Province de Namur (CAI), Centre d’Information et d’Education Populaire (CIEP), Centre d'Ingéniérie Touristique de Wallonie (CITW), Certificat Interuniversitaire en Finances Publiques UCL-ULg, Centre Régional d’Intégration du Brabant wallon (CRIBW), Centre régional de Verviers pour l'intégration des personnes étrangères ou d'origine étrangère (CRVI), Evêché de Tournai, Faculté Ouverte de Politique Economique et Sociale (FOPES-UCL), Fédération des Maisons de la Laïcité (FDML), Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, INEMAP, Institut de Formation en cours de Carrière (IFC), Institut Supérieur de Bouddhisme (ISB), Inter-Environnement Wallonie (IEW), Ministère d’Etat of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Province of Namur, Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, Rassemblement des Musulmans de Belgique, Service Public de Wallonie, SOFICO, Syneco, Tax Institute HEC-ULg, UCL-Mons, Belgian Buddhist Union, Union des Villes et Communes de Wallonie (UVCW), Vicariat du Brabant wallon, Cities of Namur (PLI) and Sambreville (PCS),…
Other references from the ORACLE before joining the CRAIG include : Congress of Local and Regional Authorities - Council of Europe, Exécutif des Musulmans de Belgique, King Baudouin Foundation, Federal Ministry of Justice,...
NB : original names have been retained, unless an official translation exists - private firms have been omitted.

Demande d'intervention

If you want to appeal to CRAIG for a lecture, a training or another intervention, please fill in the form below. We will reply as soon as possible.

Fill out the form below does not constitute a commitment on your part but it will help us to provide the most adequate answer to you.

Please mention a date, a week or a month.

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