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The Financing of Religious Communities in the European Union

BASDEVANT-GAUDEMENT, Brigite, et BERLINGO, Salvatore (2009), The Financing of Religious Communities in the European Union - Le financement des religions dans les pays de l'Union européenne, Leuven : Peeters, 350 pages.

This is a short summary of the review published on the French page.

1. Description

These are the proceedings of a very interesting conference organised by Pr. Salvatore Berlingo in Messine (Italy) in 2006, with the European Consortium for Church and State Research.

National situations are dealt with in French of in English :

  • Austria (Herbert Kälb, University ofLinz), 
  • Belgium (Jean-François Husson and Julie Mahiels, ORACLE), 
  • Cyprus (Achilles C. Emiliandes, Institute of Church-State Relations, Nicosia), 
  • Czech Republic (Jirf Rajmund Tretera and Zaboj Horak, Charles University, Prague), 
  • Denmark (Lisbet Christoffersen, University of Copenhagen), 
  • Estonia (Merilin Kiviorg)
  • Finland (Matti Kotiranta, University of Joensuu), 
  • France  (Francis Messner, Université Robert Schuman, Strasbourg) 
  • lGermany (Gerhard Robbers, University of Trier), 
  • Greece (Charalambos K. Papastathis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), 
  • Hungary (Balazs Schanda), 
  • Ireland (Paul Colton, Bishop [Church of Ireland] of Cork, Cloyne and Ross), 
  • Italie F (Romeo Astorri, Université du Sacré Coeur, Milan), 
  • Latvia (Ringolds Balodis), 
  • Lithuania (par Jolanda Kuznecoviene, University Vytautas Magnus, Kaunas), 
  • Luxembourg (Alexis Pauly, membre du Consortium, Patrick Kinsch, Université de Luxembourg, et Jean Olinger, Inspecteur des Finances), 
  • Malta (U.M. Bonnici), 
  • The Netherlands (Sophie van Bijsterveld, University of Tilburg), 
  • Poland (par Michal Rynkowski, University of Wroclaw), 
  • Portugal (José De Susa E Brito, Tribunal constitutionnel, Lisbonne), 
  • Slovakia (Jana Martinkova, Université de Trnava), 
  • Spain (Ivan C. Iban, University Complutense, Madrid), 
  • Sweden (Hjell A. Modéer) 
  • United Kingdom (Mark Hill, Cardiff University ).

There are also two concluding chapters in English : a one from A. Mottilla (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid) on financing Islam in European countries and another one from Pr Rik Torfs (KU Leuven) on « Church financing - towards a European Model ? » who concludes: « Rigorous criteria for financing cannot be neglected any longer. Statistics or history are relevant criteria for financing some groups and for not financing others, yet they always need transparency and explicit analysis. In the case full equality cannot be reached, reasonable and transparent 'inequality' remains fundamental ».

2. Our advice

The important work to form a coherent whole at the start of the contributions should be emphasized. In short, a book that we recommend without reservation.

3. Practical informations 

Price : 53 EUR
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